
Importance Of Weightage Closing Price
Posted by ashismaji on August 29, 2014
After whole days trading NSE published closing price of Nifty Future around 5 pm IST.
Someone can manipulate the last trading price by buck quantity buying or selling in last minute to push the price below or above the nearest key technical level to show that market weak or strong. We can only get true picture from the weightage closing price because no one can manipulate the price.
And it is so important that next day index will be count from the weightage closing price not from the last trading price.
Suppose key level is 7981. Bulls will try to close above the price and bears should try below the price. Ultimately closed at 7977 as per last trading price. But weightage closing price come to 7986.40. So it is treated as strong closing and can be one of the other indicators. Please note only one indicator can not defined the trend, needs to consider other technical parameters.

Nothing sure in the market trade with stop loss.

Description By Example:-
Dated 20th May 2013.
When cloud gathered on the sky, the experienced farmer know that rain will come. By observing the cloud character he also give prediction when and how will be the type of the rain. But he has no theoretical knowledge like weather forecaster.But he have sound practical experience which works better than theoretical knowledge.Theory developed from practical not practical developed from theory. In ancient time when Mr. COPERNICUS said the earth moves around the sun no one believe that and torture him. At that time every one knows that Sun moves around the Earth. But after then the theory was rewritten that Earth moves around the Sun. The same in stock market. Some theory need to be rewrite.
I am very simple person but what i am realize in my research work i am only saying that.

From my research file
Dated 5th August 2013.

Nothing Sure In The Market. Why?

Open int,Coc,Volume,Opening, Low, Atp, Dma, Sma, Wma, RSI all are basics for Analyst, and it is open for all. FII or Other Finacial institution also take reading for those parameters. When mkt. is high maximum parameters show positive and when mkt. is lower state maximum parameters show negative. So why mkt. fall or rise from that level ? You can not give any explanation. A Milkman knows with which quality and volume of milk produce 5 kg. cream and 2 kg curd.But you can not tell that. Why?
Because Milkman have readings of milk substances and its byproduct. So he use readings and put that in mathematics format for derive results. Lets explain NSE gives data of its product, suppose Nifty Future. If you take all readings and by crushing all, got some hidden byproduct parameters, as per your innovation capability. Try to find out more negative parameters in positive mkt. and positive parameters in negative mkt. More you collect that, your successive rate will be more higher. Observe changes of parameters with trend. One day your experience will tell you how and when, what to do? For obtaining those parameters and their behaviour you have needed much concentration and lots of home work.

Why nothing sure in the market ?

1) We all are taking previous data, not of future.
2) What happens past may not happens in future. Because the forces and factors are not as previous.
3) FII or Financial institution are when buyer definitely they are buying for upside. But you can not know when they are turn seller before they start selling and when again turn buyer?
But you never get future data. So all are work from previous data which are available and work with the mkt. with help of stop loss . It is only true.

Disclaimer: Nothing sure in the market trade with stop loss.

Ashis Maji
Founder and CEO of

Target With Pin Point Accuracy:-
Dated.13th April 2007.

The Earth moves unidirectional with uniform velocity. A Fighter Aircraft moves by changing its direction, speed and height to avoided being targeted by some one. Both are moving object. So Is it possible to target the Aircraft from Earth? What are the chances to hit the target? It is not an easy task to target a moving object from a moving one. My view there are in maximum chances of failure.

But in modern technology it is possible to hit the target with pin point accuracy considering its tolerance band.
Yes it is possible by Guided Missile Technology with pin point accuracy. Either it will hit in between face or tail of the Aircraft,

Time moves unidirectional with uniform velocity like Earth. The Stock Market moves by changing its direction, speed and height like
Fighter Aircraft. So why the Stock Market should not be targeted By Time ? I don’t know Missile Technology. But My research in
Nifty Future going through such technology.

Think I am 73% success related to this matter. It may take several years to reach the goal. Now I am feeling Life is too short to finish my pending project.

My Trading Stratagy:-
22nd March 2013.

My Trading Stratagy

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